Counseling in Vienna

Gabor Szabo

Counseling Psychologist, Couples and Family Counselor, Coach, Adventure therapist.

Thirty years ago have I lived and studied in Vienna for the first time, since fall 2022 I live and work hier again.

I work in English, German and Hungarian. You can meet me in person or online.

Shell we meet in my office or in a walk&talk session in Vienna?

Szabó Gábor Timur pszichológus Bécsben

Psychological counseling

Psychological counseling can provide support in coping with the stresses of blockages, indecision, and changing circumstances that accompany all of us in life.

Compared to psychotherapies, psychological counseling deals more rationally with transparent inner conflicts and has a shorter duration.

Its goal is to restore a person‘s optimal ability to function and make decisions.


Walk&talk combines the advantages of classical psychological counseling and body-centered work. We deal with the subject by constantly trying to read the feedback of our body and the metaphors of the environment while walking. All this in the open air, in any weather, on varied terrain.

Walking thereby becomes a kind of mindfulness exercise, as we consciously direct our attention to ourselves and our environment.

Pszichológiai tanácsadás Bécsben magyarul

Business coaching

Everyone is an expert on his or her own life and has the right to decide on the matters that concern him or her.

We feel obliged by our positons, functions or responsiblities. When such expectations weigh on us, it is not easy to see ourselves differently. In this case, an external perspective is helpful. As a coach, I can offer that.

In 2014 I joined the ICF (International Coach Federation) and received the ACC certification, and I am a member of the ICF Austrian Chapter.

In these life situations I can support you

… perhaps one of them also worries you…

Conflicts at the workplace, job change
Lonelyness, lack of partnership, social isolation
Coping with altered life circumstances
Integration issues into a foreign culture
Loss processing, Grief
Stuck in a relationship, family conflicts
Self-esteem and self-perception, coming-out
Midlife crisis



Do you have a question? Contact me using the form below or make an appointment!

Kapcsolatfelvétel SZabó Gábor Timur pszichológussal Bécsben

Contact details


1190 Wien, Billrothstrasse 55.